
You are currently connected to the SAS ENERISK website

Copyright © 2025 ENERISK



Person in charge of processing and site editor: ENERISK, a ‘société par actions simplifiée’ and a capital of €10,000.

Head office: 3, rue Louis Eudier 76 600 LE HAVRE – FRANCE

SIREN n° 910 142 702 – RCS LE HAVRE – SIRET n° 91014270200018 – APE n° 6622Z

Orias registration number: 22002912 –

Telephone: +33 (0)2 35 19 21 00 / +33 (0)6 19 11 14 95

Activity carried out under the supervision of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR): 4, place de Budapest CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09.

No insurer contributes more than 33% of ENERISK’s total turnover, nor does it hold more than 10% of ENERISK’s capital or is more than 10% owned by ENERISK.

ENERISK is an insurance and reinsurance broker subject to the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Régulation (ACPR, Backed by the Bank of France, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) is in charge of the approval and supervision of banking and insurance establishments and their intermediaries, in the interest of their customers and the preservation of the stability of the financial system.


General conditions of use of the website and the services offered

The use of the website implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or completed at any time, and users of the website are therefore invited to consult them regularly.

This site is normally accessible to users at all times. An interruption for technical maintenance may be decided by the webmaster, making the site unavailable for a maximum period of 24 hours.

The website is updated regularly by the ENERISK team.


Description of the services provided

The purpose of the website is to provide information concerning all its activities. ENERISK strives to provide information on the website that is as accurate as possible.

The information provided on the website is presented for general information purposes only. It does not claim to be exhaustive. This information does not constitute a commercial offer or contract, nor does it constitute legal advice or opinions. Despite all the care taken in the creation of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information presented. Users of the site should therefore carry out all necessary checks. ENERISK reserves the right to correct or modify the content of this site at any time without prior notice.


Données site web

Development: WENEW – Web and Services (SIREN 810 831 792) – 11 rue de Lourmel, Paris | FRANCE

Hosting: AWS EMEA SARL (SIREN : 831 001 334) – 31 place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, 92400 Courbevoie | FRANCE

Communication Manager: Guillaume de Bonnières · g.debonnieres[@]

Photo credits: iStock, Adobe Stock


Hypertext links and cookies

Browsing the website may cause cookies to be installed on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained is intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site and is also intended to allow various measures of frequentation. Refusing to install a cookie may make it impossible to access certain services.


Intellectual property

All content of all types present on this website is the exclusive property of ENERISK or of service providers designated by this company, and is protected by French and/or international legislation on copyright. The reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever (including downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations), as well as any use of the site’s content, other than for individual and private consultation, is formally prohibited without the express authorization of ENERISK. The brands mentioned on this site are registered by their respective owners. Any reproduction or representation made without their prior agreement is an infringement. As part of its Internet communication, ENERISK gives permission to any website creator/manager to point via a hypertext link to the home page of its website, excluding any other deep link.


Lutte contre la corruption

In order to combat corruption, ENERISK has implemented measures to prevent and detect corruption in order to:

  • Prevent, manage and deal with any situation where conflicts of interest may arise;
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory and legal requirements relating to the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism and other illegal activities.


Combating Undeclared Work

In order to fight against undeclared work, articles L 8222-1 and following of the French Labor Code stipulate that the principal must ensure, when concluding a contract for the provision of a service of at least 5,000 euros (including tax), whether he is a client or a service provider, that his co-contractor is in good standing, both in terms of his registration (RCS, trade directory, professional order, or administrative approval), as well as in terms of his social security and tax returns. Otherwise, the principal would be an accomplice to the infractions committed by the service provider and would be condemned to pay the corresponding fines along with him. The law of August 13, 2004 stipulated that this verification obligation had to be renewed every six months until the end of the contract’s performance (article L 8222-1 modified of the Labor Code). Decree 2005-1334 of October 27, 2005 specifies the scope of the client’s obligations, the entire system being codified in articles R 8222-1 et seq. of the Labor Code. In order to comply with these provisions, ENERISK will provide, upon request, documents attesting to the respect of its obligations.

  • Certificate on honour of the deposit of compulsory tax declarations
  • Certificate of payment of URSSAF contributions
  • K-bis extract less than 3 months old
  • ORIAS certificate


Complaints management

If you wish to inform us of your dissatisfaction, please contact your usual contact person at or send your letter to

ENERISK 3, rue Louis Eudier 76 600 LE HAVRE – FRANCE

A complaint is a statement indicating a customer’s dissatisfaction with a professional: a request for a service, a request for information or clarification or a request for an opinion is not a complaint.



In application of article L 156-1 of the French Consumer Code, the Insurance Mediator is competent to intervene in any dispute that could not be settled through a prior complaint made directly to your broker’s services. He can be contacted by one of the following means:

Postal address: La Médiation de l’Assurance – Pôle CSCA – TSA 50110 – 75441 Paris Cedex 09

E-mail address:

Website address:

Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the user has a right to access, query, limit, portability, delete, modify and rectify information concerning him or her. The user also has the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data, as well as the right to object to the use of such data for commercial prospecting purposes.

The user may exercise these rights by contacting the data controller, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document:

The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL):

Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)

3 Place de Fontenoy

TSA 80715

75334 PARIS CEDEX 07


Protection of personal data

ENERISK is committed to guaranteeing the protection of the personal data it processes. ENERISK has set up a complete procedure for the protection of personal data available by contacting

Data is collected directly on the initiative of ENERISK when personal data is entered in contact forms, questionnaires and other spaces made available to the persons concerned in the context of the use of the site’s services (recruitment, request for quotation, extranets, etc.) or in the context of a membership or subscription form for one of our services and/or products.

The data may also be collected indirectly as part of navigation on the site (e.g.: cookies) or be transmitted by insurers, client companies or broker partners as part of the execution of insurance contracts and for the needs of using personalized extranets or by recruitment firms as part of a recruitment procedure.

ENERISK undertakes to limit the collection of this data to what is strictly necessary.

The data of the persons concerned is kept in compliance with the legal requirements in force, particularly in civil, fiscal, commercial and criminal matters.